Nelson Chamisa Amos Chibaya
This article is an ode to Nelson Chamisa and Amos Chibaya – two men who to me are the central figures in the MDC and the overall fight for democratic change in Zimbabwe; two men who carry the hopes of millions of tyranized Zimbabweans.
I will begin with Amos Chibaya who is the MDC National Organising Secretary. A towering figure, 6ft and a bit more, Chibaya is the man who organised those 82 monumental MDC rallies last year. He has charisma which is easily noticeable by his ability to move crowds through oratory and song. For such an imposing figure to be so down to earth is really humbling to the observer. One is reminded of a similarly imposing but charismatic figure in Zimbabwe’s history, a certain Josiah of Tongogara. Anyway, Chibaya is not just a talker, he walks the talk and leads from the front. He is the antithesis of the many suit wearing and aloof MPs who are only in politics to enrich themselves and to plough young women. Chibaya is constantly being hounded by the regime which continues to arrest him on pathetic and trumped up charges. The latest of this egregious repression is Chibaya’s arrest for ‘failing to stop demonstrations’ which did not go ahead. I mean, it’s as clear as day that the regime fears Chibaya’s organisational skills. They see him as the vital link between the awesome Chamisa and the Zimbabwean public. At best they want to frustrate him so that he gives up the fight for democratic change in the country. If they had their way they would have him replaced by some supine character who will appease them. But the MDC needs Chibaya, the people of Zimbabwe need people like him, and for our sake I hope he remains unrelenting in the fight for change in our country. The MDC in the diaspora will do all it can to support him during this difficult time.
Saving the best for last, what more can I say about Nelson Chamisa that has not been already said? Well, plenty, as it goes. The man is the beacon of hope for all the downtrodden Zimbabweans who want democracy and functionality in the country. Hope is the only thing keeping Zimbabweans alive right now for a life without hope is not worth living. Chamisa’s oratory is laced with a perfect mix of evangelical discourse, policy and non violent activism. This is why many observers compare his approach to that of Martin Luther King. And if you add to that his charm and charisma, you see why he is the President Zimbabwe deserves and needs at this crossroads. Seriously, when one compares Chamisa to that old and desiccated septuagenarian whose idea of charm is wearing a scarf 365 days of the year, one realises Zimbabweans are being robbed of an inspiring leadership in their greatest hour of need. The scarf wearer would gladly crawl over a snake if that led to acquiring a tenth of Chamisa’s likeability. Same applies to the rest of the knuckle draggers in Zanu who only communicate through the medium of threats. It must really irk everyone of those old men to know that probably their wives and mistresses pine over Chamisa. Putting all that aside, the fact that Chamisa has the power to mobilise a million people into the centre of Harare is what gives the old dossers high blood pressure. Whenever he conducts a press conference or appears in public, he generates a lot of traffic online because people are drawn to him. It really warms the cockles of one’s heart to see the reaction of Zanu cheerleaders on social media who predictably work themselves into a paroxysm by churning out falsehoods and misanthropic wroth against the man. Even the state subsidised bible carrying conmen cannot resist having a pop at Chamisa with their brand of pharisaical conscience. It really grinds their gears to know that this ‘young man’ is more popular than all of them put together. What puzzles them even more is why he has not used this power to throw sand on the entire dictatorship in the country. But that is because he is a patient and prudent leader who is not whimsical and reckless with people’s lives – he genuinely loves people. He would not want to sent them to their deaths. He knows the vile maxim of Zanu and how brutal and unhinged the regime is. This why I think the MDC desperately need Chamisa. The fight for democracy in Zimbabwe desperately needs a leader like him to remain steadfast. So called progressives who encroach on his leadership deserve to be criticised for they seek to put out the only beacon of hope we have.
Terence Rusirevi