This week saw the passing of Mugabe. Sky news and other western news outlets described Mugabe as the founding father of Zimbabwe. I personally don’t agree with that point of view. Anyway, Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe for 37 years before he was ousted in a military coup on 2017. He oversaw the degeneration of Zimbabwe from being the bread basket of Zimbabwe to being the basket case of Zimbabwe. He sanctioned the murder of 20 000 Ndebele people including women and children. He enacted policies which wiped out Zimbabwe’s manufacturing capacity. His policies caused hyperinflation the kind never seen in history. His rule was characterized by repression of citizens, human rights abuses and systematic corruption across all government ministries. With all these atrocities laying on his doorstep, Mugabe’s replacement Mnangagwa is still worse than the recently deceased former dictator. Here is why:
In less than 2 years Mnangagwa has presided over the fastest deterioration of living standards in Zimbabwe’s history.
Since 1980 he has been heavily at the centre of every bad decision and major corruption scandal in the country.
He was financial secretary of Zanu and even stole money from the ruling party.
He is the one whose idea if was to take Zimbabwe into the DRC war.
He was CIO boss when 20 000 Ndebele people were killed. There is even a video of him hand picking young Ndebeles for execution
Unlike most dictators including Mugabe, Mnangagwa has no charisma, he has no redeeming qualities. He is just an evil man. The only difference between Mnangagwa before the coup in 2017 and now is that before he was an evil man and now he is an evil man in a scarf.
Mnangagwa is the cancer that has been plaguing Zimbabwe for 39 years. The only way to stop this cancer is by removing it by any means necessary. I welcome any coup or public revolution that removes this nasty evil man from our politics.
Deborah Harry